Our Mission Statement
“Seeking to present Christ by word and deed, bringing people to a saving knowledge of Christ.”
Our Statement of Faith
- We believe the Word of God to be the infallible, inspired Word of God.
- We believe it is the only infallible rule of faith and practice.
- We believe in the eternal Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; in His virgin birth; in His substitutionary death on Calvary for our sins; His bodily resurrection from the grave.
- We believe in salvation by faith through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that all men are lost apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
- We believe that the true church is composed of all those who have been born again. We believe in the present working and moving of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men and women.
- We believe carrying out the Great Commission to evangelize is a vital part of our Christian responsibility.
- We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, to this earth.
- We believe in upholding all Biblical Doctrines which are also upheld by the Conservative Anabaptist Churches.
Our Core Values
- We are to be led by the guiding principles of Scripture, knowledge and understanding of wise counselors and the Leading of the Holy Spirit in every decision we make.
- The Word: The Bible is God’s divine Word. In it we find wisdom which leads us to a greater understanding of God Himself (Proverbs 2). Seek His word for guidance daily as an individual and as a team.
- Avoid gossip like the plague: Talking about others without their best interest in mind is destructive. Do not invade someone else’s life without them present.
- Whining drains life: Be positive. Look for solutions rather than problems. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “To comment on a problem without posing a plausible solution is called whining.”
- Integrity: We are open and honest. We honor our commitment to the Lord, to other team members, to one another, and to the communities whom we serve. Our actions are consistent with what we say.
- Respect: We treat our team members, co-workers, and members of the community with courtesy and dignity. Economic, social, and organizational class does not dictate our level of respect.
- Trust: We are committed to building and maintaining trust. Trust is the vital foundation to a cohesive team. Without it teamwork is not possible.
- Communication: We maintain an environment in which team members and board members feel free to share ideas, dreams, and information. We promote open interaction throughout the organization to ensure knowledge and understanding among everyone as much as is practical.
- We offer and accept apologies: In all situations be ready to admit you are wrong, need help, or do not know. Check your ego and avoid individualistic attitudes.
- Focus on important issues, not politics: Evaluate a situation to identify the root cause rather than just talk about it. Be solution oriented; focus on how you and your team can address the problem without focusing on the others involved.
- Accountability: We are responsible to our communities and each other for our personal and organizational decisions, actions, and performance results. We are committed stewards of God’s assets and resources. Avoid potential problems by questioning each other’s approach or response to a situation.
- Conflict: We believe that healthy conflict helps us bring real issues to the front of our conversations. Healthy conflict avoids gossip, closet politics, and personal attacks. Healthy conflict is short lived and quickly moves us from disagreements to positive solutions.
- Servant Relationships: We, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, are servants to one another and serve one another as the Lord leads and as we see opportunity. Subjugate your own opinions for the good of the team.